
Introducing The Dozen


Published in
3 min readJun 10, 2020


This is exciting! Thanks to Dr Mehmet Yildizr I’m an ILLUMINATION writer!

This won’t be your typical introduction. The Dozen is my pen name.

I’m not ready to reveal my real identity, yet.

I decided to use a pen name when I joined Medium. I can be comfortable exploring this platform while improving my writing.

While I specialize in grant writing - and I’ve been VERY successful at it for the past six years – I haven’t written articles, let alone Medium articles.

I take comfort in knowing that Tom Ahern, one of the world’s most sought-after creators of fundraising messages, suffers from “fear of failure.” I too suffer from “fear of failure” and “fear of judgment.”

I will believe Ahern when he says — it’s a good sign and drives aspirations and high achievement!!!

I’m trying not to get too stuck on who I am, and what I write. I’m trying to take Ayodeji Awosika’s words to heart in this great article:

“It takes a ton of ego to limit yourself and care so much about your self-image that it keeps you from living the best version of your life.”


“If I “fail,” who cares? If I don’t get exactly what I want, who cares?”

I’m getting there, one article at a time.

But enough about my insecurities for now, and let me start by telling you about myself.

Why The Dozen? The idea behind The Dozen, started with the promise of publishing at least 12 articles on a single theme each month. It’s now slowly evolving to 12 different topics a month.

What can I say? I’m a GENERALIST!

I can’t limit myself to ONE theme, ONE topic!

I’m interested in personal development, spirituality, management, writing, parenting, bodybuilding, food, history, politics, entrepreneurship, and books… to name a few.

I have so many interests, I find it difficult to stick to what I know.

I know proposal writing. I know donor communication. But where’s the fun in that?

The joy is in CONSTANTLY learning something new.

According to Gallup’s CliftonStrength – which was shockingly accurate – I’m restorative (a problem solver), analytical, focused, and I love understanding history.

It’s ALL very true.

I love solving issues, and I can be extremely focused when writing — I don’t see or hear anyone around me!

I’m blessed to be a father of a beautiful little 16-month old baby girl. And I’m married to my childhood sweetheart.

I’m blessed and I’m thankful.

So I’m trying this Medium thing out.

As Ryder Carroll puts it: “if you don't try something, it will assuredly never exist. Not your version, anyway.”

So I plan on giving you my version.

My promise, is meaningful and unique content, on a variety of topics, for my readers.

I would love to hear your comments, suggestions, and preferences.

Thank you for reading.




I write about self-improvement, motivation, interesting news, and notes to my kids.